Results for 'Nancy E. E. Van Loey'

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  1.  19
    Bio-Psychological Predictors of Acute and Protracted Fatigue After Burns: A Longitudinal Study.Elise Boersma-van Dam, Iris M. Engelhard, Rens van de Schoot & Nancy E. E. Van Loey - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    ObjectiveFatigue after burns is often attributed to the hyperinflammatory and hypermetabolic response, while it may be best understood from a bio-psychological perspective, also involving the neuro-endocrine system. This longitudinal multi-center study examined the course of fatigue up to 18 months postburn. The contribution of bio-psychological factors, including burn severity, pain, and acute PTSD symptoms, to the course and persistence of fatigue was studied in a multifactorial model.MethodsParticipants were 247 adult burn survivors. Fatigue symptoms were assessed with the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (...)
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    Expert Elicitation for Latent Growth Curve Models: The Case of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Development in Children With Burn Injuries.Duco Veen, Marthe R. Egberts, Nancy E. E. van Loey & Rens van de Schoot - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:532986.
    Experts provide an alternative source of information to classical data collection methods such as surveys. They can provide additional insight into problems, supplement existing data, or provide insights when classical data collection is troublesome. In this paper, we explore the (dis)similarities between expert judgments and data collected by traditional data collection methods regarding the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSSs) in children with burn injuries. By means of an elicitation procedure, the experts’ domain expertise is formalized and represented in the (...)
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    Pain and Posttraumatic Stress Symptom Clusters: A Cross-Lagged Study.Vivian de Vries, Alette E. E. de Jong, Helma W. C. Hofland & Nancy E. Van Loey - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Pain and posttraumatic stress disorder frequently co-occur but underlying mechanisms are not clear. This study aimed to test the development and maintenance of pain and PTSD symptom clusters, i.e., intrusions, avoidance, and hyperarousal. The longitudinal study included 216 adults with burns. PTSD symptom clusters, indexed by the Impact of Event Scale-Revised, and pain, using a graphic numerical rating scale, were measured during hospitalization, 3 and 6 months post-burn. Cross-lagged panel analysis was used to test the relationships between pain and PTSD (...)
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    (1 other version)Sympathy.Nancy E. Snow - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette, The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
    The term “sympathy” has two meanings in philosophical literature. According to one conception, “sympathy” commonly means having care and concern for another whose well-being is under threat or is encountering some obstacle (Darwall 1998: 261). When I feel sympathy, I feel for the other (Darwall 1998: 261). The Confucian philosopher Mengzi (also known as Mencius), for example, writes that a person seeing a small child on the verge of falling into a well would be moved by alarm and compassion (Darwall (...)
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    Review of Stan van Hooft, Hope: Durham, UK: Acumen Publishing, 2011, ISBN 9781844652600, pb, 152pp. [REVIEW]Nancy E. Snow - 2011 - Sophia 50 (4):697-699.
  6. A conversation on J. Wentzel van huyssteen's gifford lectures.Leslie A. Muray, Kevin Sharpe Leslie van Gelder, Wesley J. Wildman, Nancy R. Howell, Karl E. Peters, Walter B. Gulick & J. van Huyssteen - 2007 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 28 (3):299-432.
  7.  60
    Ethics and the marketing authorization of pharmaceuticals: what happens to ethical issues discovered post-trial and pre-marketing authorization?Rosemarie D. L. C. Bernabe, Ghislaine J. M. W. van Thiel, Nancy S. Breekveldt, Christine C. Gispen & Johannes J. M. van Delden - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-8.
    Background In the EU, clinical assessors, rapporteurs and the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use are obliged to assess the ethical aspects of a clinical development program and include major ethical flaws in the marketing authorization deliberation processes. To this date, we know very little about the manner that these regulators put this obligation into action. In this paper, we intend to look into the manner and the extent that ethical issues discovered during inspection have reached the deliberation processes. (...)
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    Mind Matters: Studies of Medieval and Early Modern Intellectual History in Honour of Marcia Colish. Edited by Cary J. Nederman, Nancy Van Deusen, and E. Ann Matter. [REVIEW]John E. Weakland - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (4):569 - 570.
    The European Legacy, Volume 17, Issue 4, Page 569-570, July 2012.
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    Jean-Luc Nancy, a Romantic Philosopher?: on romance, love, and literature.Aukje van Rooden - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (3-4):113-125.
    This paper will, in its successive steps and movements, revolve around one single question, a question that might, at first sight, come across as somewhat irrelevant or even impertinent within the context of philosophical or academic discourse. How romantic is Jean-Luc Nancy? Or: is there a specifically Nancyan sense of romance? Notwithstanding these somewhat unscholarly formulations, I am increasingly convinced that the question of love, or indeed more specifically of romance, is the most intimate inspiration of Nancy’s work, (...)
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    Deconstruction, Dis-enclosure and Christianity.Ignaas Devisch & Aukje van Rooden - 2008 - Bijdragen 69 (3):249-263.
    Nancy’s deconstruction of Christianity mainly consist of a reworking of Christian and traditional philosophical notions, a process by which he demonstrates how these notions have virtually exhausted themselves. He has examined how such notions contain, as their very condition, the possibility of their own exhaustion. As a result, Nancy’s project of a deconstruction of Christianity is actually a ‘reading’ of Christianity deconstructing itself, i.e. of Christianity’s raison d’être containing at the same time the possibility of its own exhaustion. (...)
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  11. Virtue as Social Intelligence: An Empirically Grounded Theory.Nancy E. Snow (ed.) - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    _Virtue as Social Intelligence: An Empirically Grounded Theory_ takes on the claims of philosophical situationism, the ethical theory that is skeptical about the possibility of human virtue. Influenced by social psychological studies, philosophical situationists argue that human personality is too fluid and fragmented to support a stable set of virtues. They claim that virtue cannot be grounded in empirical psychology. This book argues otherwise. Drawing on the work of psychologists Walter Mischel and Yuichi Shoda, Nancy E. Snow argues that (...)
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    van Biéma, Emil, docteur ès lettres, professeur de philosophie au lусéе de Tours. Martin Knutzen, la critique de l’harmonie ргéétablie.E. Van Вiémа - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
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  13.  37
    Moral Character: An Empirical Theory By Christian B. MillerCharacter and Moral Psychology By Christian B. Miller.Nancy E. Schauber - 2015 - Analysis 75 (1):172-175.
  14.  51
    Partiality By Simon Keller.Nancy E. Schauber - 2015 - Analysis 75 (2):354-355.
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  15. The research-treatment distinction : a problematic approach for determining which activities should have ethical oversight.Nancy E. Klass [ - 2013 - In Mildred Z. Solomon & Ann Bonham, Ethical oversight of learning health care systems. [Malden, Mass.]: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    The Research‐Treatment Distinction: A Problematic Approach for Determining Which Activities Should Have Ethical Oversight.Nancy E. Kass, Ruth R. Faden, Steven N. Goodman, Peter Pronovost, Sean Tunis & Tom L. Beauchamp - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (s1):4-15.
    Calls are increasing for American health care to be organized as a learning health care system, defined by the Institute of Medicine as a health care system “in which knowledge generation is so embedded into the core of the practice of medicine that it is a natural outgrowth and product of the healthcare delivery process and leads to continual improvement in care.” We applaud this conception, and in this paper, we put forward a new ethics framework for it. No such (...)
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    Introduction.Nancy E. Snow - 2011 - Social Philosophy Today 27:1-2.
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    Aristotelian character education. By Kristján Kristjánsson.Nancy E. Snow - 2016 - British Journal of Educational Studies 64 (2):264-266.
  19.  38
    van Biéma, Emil, docteur ès lettres, professeur de philosophie au lycée de Tours. L'éspace et le temps chez Leibniz et chez Kant.E. Van Biéma - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
  20.  62
    Extending Compassion.Nancy E. Snow - 2017 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 16 (4):543-550.
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    Trust: The Fragile Foundation of Contemporary Biomedical Research.Nancy E. Kass, Jeremy Sugarman, Ruth Faden & Monica Schoch-Spana - 1996 - Hastings Center Report 26 (5):25-29.
    It is widely assumed that informing prospective subjects about the risks and possible benefits of research not only protects their rights as autonomous decisionmakers, but also empowers them to protect their own interests. Yet interviews with patient‐subjects conducted under the auspices of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments suggest this is not always the case. Patient‐subjects often trust their physician to guide them through decisions on research participation. Clinicians, investigators, and IRBs must assure that such trust is not misplaced.
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  22.  28
    Against neutrality: Response to Cokelet.Nancy E. Snow, Jennifer Cole Wright & Michael T. Warren - 2022 - Journal of Moral Education 51 (1):111-116.
    ABSTRACT We appreciate and respond to Cokelet’s thoughtful criticisms of our book. First, he points to deliberative forms of practical wisdom as objectionable to anti-rationalist’s. In response, we point to non-conscious (yet complex) forms of deliberation that occur as individuals automatically process and respond to virtue-relevant stimuli. Second, Cokelet states that reflecting upon one’s life as a whole may be unnecessary and ineffective for virtue development. We clarify that reflection is not the only means of virtue cultivation, and even flawed (...)
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  23.  30
    Another Look at Medieval Rape Legislation.Nancy E. Virtue - 1998 - Mediaevalia 22 (1):79-94.
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    Compassion for animals.Nancy E. Snow - 1993 - Between the Species 9 (2):3.
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    Introduction [to Cultivating Virtue: Perspectives from Philosophy, Theology, and Psychology].Nancy E. Snow - unknown
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    Participation in Pedigree Studies and the Risk of Impeded Access to Health Insurance.Nancy E. Kass - 1993 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 15 (5):7.
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  27. Cultivating Virtue: Perspectives From Philosophy, Theology, and Psychology.Nancy E. Snow (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Oup Usa.
    Virtue ethics enjoys a resurgence, yet the topic of virtue cultivation has been largely neglected. This volume remedies this gap, featuring mostly new essays, commissioned for this collection, by philosophers, theologians, and psychologists at the forefront of research into virtue.
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    Empathy.Nancy E. Snow - 2000 - American Philosophical Quarterly 37 (1):65 - 78.
  29. Self-forgiveness.Nancy E. Snow - 1993 - Journal of Value Inquiry 27 (1):75-80.
  30.  17
    Commentary On The Character Gap.Nancy E. Snow - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Research 44:201-212.
    This book is an important example of how philosophers can make their work better known to the nonacademic public without sacrificing too much by way of rigor. Miller’s academic work stands at the intersection of philosophy and psychology: he draws on a wide array of psychological studies to help make the case for ‘mixed traits.’ He does the same here, though in a very accessible way. Here I remark on ways in which I think the book might have been stronger, (...)
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    The Consent Theory of Obligation.Nancy E. Snow - 1988 - Philosophical Books 29 (4):239-241.
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  32. How Ethical Theory Can Improve Practice: Lessons from Abu Ghraib.Nancy E. Snow - 2009 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 12 (5):555-568.
    Abuses at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq confront us with the question of how seemingly ordinary soldiers could have perpetrated harms against prisoners. In this essay I argue that a Stoic approach to the virtues can provide a bulwark against the social and personal forces that can lead to abusive behavior. In part one, I discuss Abu Ghraib. In two, I examine social psychological explanations of how ordinary, apparently decent people are able to commit atrocities. In three, I address a (...)
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  33.  24
    Frühe Muʿtazilitische Häresiographie: Zwei Werke des Nāšiʾ al-Akbar (gest. 293 H.)Fruhe Mutazilitische Haresiographie: Zwei Werke des Nasi al-Akbar.E. Kohlberg & Josef van Ess - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (3):496.
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  34. Humility.Nancy E. Snow - 1995 - Journal of Value Inquiry 29 (2):203-216.
  35.  62
    The Use of Medical Records in Research: What Do Patients Want?Nancy E. Kass, Marvin R. Natowicz, Sara Chandros Hull, Ruth R. Faden, Laura Plantinga, Lawrence O. Gostin & Julia Slutsman - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (3):429-433.
    In the past ten years, there has been growing interest in and concern about protecting the privacy of personal medical information. Insofar as medical records increasingly are stored electronically, and electronic information can be shared easily and widely, there have been legislative efforts as well as scholarly analyses calling for greater privacy protections to ensure that patients can feel safe disclosing personal information to their health-care providers. At the same time, the volume of biomedical research conducted in this country continues (...)
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  36. Hope as an Intellectual Virtue.Nancy E. Snow - unknown
    Hope is a ubiquitous feature of human experience, but there has been relatively little scholarship within contemporary analytic philosophy devoted to the systematic analysis of its nature and value. In the last decade, however, there has been a resurgence of interest in the study of hope and, in particular, its role in human agency. This scholarly attention reflects an ambivalence about hope's effects. While the possession of hope can have salutary consequences, it can also make the agent vulnerable to certain (...)
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  37. public Health Ethics From Foundations and Frameworks to Justice and Global public Health.Nancy E. Kass - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (2):232-242.
    Public health ethics in the future will be distinguished from public health ethics in the past by this new subfield being labeled as such, acknowledged, and called upon for service. Ethical dilemmas have been present throughout the history of public health. The question of whether to force Henning Jacobson to be immunized in 1905 in accordance with the 1902 Massachusetts smallpox vaccination law was one of ethics as well as law. How Thomas Parran, Surgeon General in 1936, chose to respond (...)
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    A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy).Nancy E. Snow - 1995 - Philosophical Books 36 (1):67-69.
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  39.  48
    An intervention to improve cancer patients' understanding of early-phase clinical trials.Nancy E. Kass, Jeremy Sugarman, Amy M. Medley, Linda A. Fogarty, Holly A. Taylor, Christopher K. Daugherty, Mark R. Emerson, Steven N. Goodman, Fay J. Hlubocky & Herbert I. Hurwitz - 2009 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 31 (3):1.
    Participants in clinical research sometimes view participation as therapy or exaggerate potential benefits, especially in phase I or phase II trials. We conducted this study to discover what methods might improve cancer patients’ understanding of early-phase clinical trials. We randomly assigned 130 cancer patients from three U.S. medical centers who were considering enrollment in a phase I or phase II cancer trial to receive either a multimedia intervention or a National Cancer Institute pamphlet explaining the trial and its purpose. Intervention (...)
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  40. Ubuntu Humanity and Sustainable Development Goals.Dorine E. Van Norren - 2023 - In Bolaji Bateye, Mahmoud Masaeli, Louise F. Müller & Angela Roothaan, Beauty in African Thought: Critical Perspectives on the Western Idea of Development. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    Segregation in InxGa1−xAs/GaAs Stranski–Krastanow layers grown by metal–organic chemical vapour deposition.E. Piscopiello, A. Rosenauer, A. Passaseo, E. H. Montoya Rossi & G. Van Tendeloo - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (32):3857-3870.
  42.  71
    The Oxford Handbook of Virtue.Nancy E. Snow (ed.) - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    The late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries have seen a renaissance in the study of virtue -- a topic that has prevailed in philosophical work since the time of Aristotle. Several major developments have conspired to mark this new age. Foremost among them, some argue, is the birth of virtue ethics, an approach to ethics that focuses on virtue in place of consequentialism or deontology. The emergence of new virtue theories also marks this new wave of work on virtue. Put (...)
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  43.  32
    Insurance for the Insurers The Use of Genetic Tests.Nancy E. Kass - 1992 - Hastings Center Report 22 (6):6-11.
    Genetic testing raises concerns that individuals will be denied health insurance (and thus, effectively, access to health care), or that employers will screen to eliminate potentially costly workers. Although we as a society do not yet concur on the degree to which private businesses have a responsibility to promote social justice, several different policy alternatives might allow us to weigh the interests of insurers, as businesses, against the interests of citizens in a responsible manner.
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  44.  37
    Contemporary Virtue Ethics.Nancy E. Snow - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element provides an overview of the central components of recent work in virtue ethics. The first section explores central themes in neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics, while the second turns the discussion to major alternative theoretical perspectives. The third section focuses on two challenges to virtue ethics. The first challenge is the self-centeredness or egoism objection, which is the notion that certain kinds of virtue ethics are inadequate because they advocate a focus on the person's own virtue and flourishing at the (...)
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  45. Virtue and flourishing.Nancy E. Snow - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (2):225–245.
  46.  22
    Proliferating Virtues: A Clear and Present Danger?Nancy E. Snow - 2019 - In Elisa Grimi, John Haldane, Maria Margarita Mauri Alvarez, Michael Wladika, Marco Damonte, Michael Slote, Randall Curren, Christian B. Miller, Liezl Zyl, Christopher D. Owens, Scott J. Roniger, Michele Mangini, Nancy Snow & Christopher Toner, Virtue Ethics: Retrospect and Prospect. Springer. pp. 177-196.
    The needless proliferation of virtues is a possible pitfall of the explosion of work in virtue ethics. I discuss two positions on proliferation and offer my own. Russell takes the first approach, arguing that virtue ethical right action is impossible unless we adopt a finite and specifiable list of the virtues. I argue against this. Hursthouse offers a second perspective, looking first to standard Aristotelian virtues, and adding virtues only when the standard list fails to capture something of moral importance. (...)
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  47.  23
    The Philosophy and Psychology of Character and Happiness.Nancy E. Snow & Franco V. Trivigno (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Since ancient times, character, virtue, and happiness have been central to thinking about how to live well. Yet until recently, philosophers have thought about these topics in an empirical vacuum. Taking up the general challenge of situationism – that philosophers should pay attention to empirical psychology – this interdisciplinary volume presents new essays from empirically informed perspectives by philosophers and psychologists on western as well as eastern conceptions of character, virtue, and happiness, and related issues such as personality, emotion and (...)
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    Managing community engagement in research in Uganda: insights from practices in HIV/aids research.Nancy E. Kass & John Barugahare - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundCommunity engagement in research is valuable for instrumental and intrinsic reasons. Despite existing guidance on how to ensure meaningful CE, much of what it takes to achieve this goal differs across settings. Considering the emerging trend towards mandating CE in many research studies, this study aimed at documenting how CE is conceptualized and implemented, and then providing context-specific guidance on how researchers and research regulators in Uganda could think about and manage CE in research.MethodsWe conducted qualitative interviews and focus group (...)
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  49. Harms of excluding Pregnant Women from Clinical Research: The Case of HIV-Infected Pregnant Women.Nancy E. Kass, Holly A. Taylor & Patricia A. King - 1996 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 24 (1):36-46.
    Since the beginning of the AIDS epidemic, the proportion of AIDS cases among women has continued to rise. Women constituted 23 percent of the AIDS cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 1995, and 81 percent of these women were of childbearing age. It was not until 1991, however, that epidemiological studies of women were initiated. By comparison, the representation of HIV-infected women in clinical trials gradually has grown. Undoubtedly, a consequence of the increased numbers of (...)
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  50. “May You Live in Interesting Times”: Moral Philosophy and Empirical Psychology [Review of The Moral Psychology Handbook].Nancy E. Snow - unknown
    The Moral Psychology Handbook is a contribution to a relatively new genre of philosophical writing, the “handbook.” In the first section, I comment on an expectation about handbooks, namely that handbooks contain works representative of a field, and raise concerns about The Moral Psychology Handbook in this regard. In the rest of the article I comment in detail on two Handbook articles, “Moral Motivation” by Timothy Schroeder, Adina Roskies, and Shaun Nichols, and “Character” by Maria W. Merritt, John M. Doris, (...)
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